Transport, Economy, Environment & Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Work programme


Committee remit

Scrutinises the transport and communications infrastructure of all kinds, however owned or provided, and how the transport needs of the community are met.


Supporting business, economic development, regeneration and helping people develop their skills, including lifelong learning. The committee will also study sustainable development, climate change strategy, countryside management, waste management, environmental conservation and enhancement flooding.




Aims/Terms of Reference

Monday 8 July 2024

Six-Month Review of Water Quality Motion

To review progress against the Water Quality Motion that was approved at the Full Council meeting in November 2023 – Hugh Clear Hill and Shaun Berry


Follow up of 20mph speed limit queries raised at 18 January 2024 meeting


Thursday 17 October 2024









Scrutiny of Climate Change Strategy (1/2)

Bi-annual TEEE O&S scrutiny of the Climate Change Strategy – Jos Holmes, Climate Change Strategy Manager

‘Let’s Talk Rubbish’ Consultation and harmonisation proposals

Analysis of the ‘Let’s Talk Rubbish’ public consultation findings (possibly to include Allerton Waste Recovery Park update) – Aimi Brookes, Service Development Manager (Waste), Peter Jeffreys, Head of Service Waste

North Yorkshire and York Local Nature Recovery Strategy

NY&Y Local Nature Recovery Strategy will consider land at a county scale and will identify locations to improve nature and provide other benefits, such as capturing carbon from the atmosphere, flood regulation and access to nature-rich spaces where this is most needed for health and wellbeing. – Tris Terry and Tim Johns, Environment

Tree and Woodland Policy

For consideration of a proposed countywide policy for trees and woodland – Helen Arnold, Tree & Woodlands Manager


Thursday 30 January 2025

North Yorkshire Local Transport Plan

Consideration of the Local Transport Plan for North Yorkshire, the Council’s key transport policy document – Allan McVeigh, Head of Network Strategy and Louise Anne Neale, Team Leader Transport Planning





Thursday 24 April 2025

Scrutiny of Climate Change Strategy (2/2)

Bi-annual TEEE O&S scrutiny of the Climate Change Strategy – Jos Holmes, Climate Change Strategy Manager


National Highways (TBC)

Report on major project delivery and route and maintenance activity from National Highways

Annual Report of the Member Champion for Climate Change

A report to detail the projects and initiatives undertaken by the Member Champion for Climate Change.


Items to be allocated for future meetings

Future Energy

Development of Parking Strategy

Assets / Property Maintenance (falls under Corp & Part O&S Committee)

Public Rights of Way

Attendance of water companies at a future meeting

HGV Weight Orders

Enviro Crime Update

Development of a Shoreline Management Plan / Coastal Management

Allerton Waste Recovery Park Annual Update

Department for Transport invite

Economic priorities for North Yorkshire Council – linked to MCA work and Economic Growth Strategy

Major Regeneration Projects Update

Tourism Destination Management Plan